206 | Merino 4 Us blanket
PatternsBabies and Kids
6 balls of Merino 4 Us Rosários colour 23 (50g/125m).
Knitting needles 4mm; Cable needle.
GARTER STITCH: knit all stitches.
2×2 RIB STITCH: *K2, P2*, repeat from * to* until end of row.
SEED STITCH: row 1: *K1, P1*; repeat from * to* until end of row; row 2: *P1, K1* (knit the purl stitches and purl the knit stitches of the previous row); repeat from * to * until end of row.
CABLE 4 BACK (C4B): row 1: K4; row 2: P4; row 3: slip 2 sts onto cable needle and hold in back of work, K2 on left needle and then 2 sts from cable needle; row 4: P4.
64 cm x 64 cm.